Tuesday, 21 May 2013


We think we have no control over us,
We think our destiny rules us.
Let me ask you - Do we believe in ourselves as much as destiny?
Or do we believe in ourselves at all?
At least our thoughts?
It is better to be thoughtless than to have negative thoughts.
I understand, life runs up and down.
And many of us think life is good and bad.
But life always is good.                
It is WE who make it good or bad.

Man has always favored the thought of a positive start; in this context, looking at our origin too reminds us –
We have got this life as human beings because of good deeds in our previous birth(s) else we would have been born as insects, may be flies or animals, etc.
Let us not forget, life is meant to do good to us and we are the lucky ones to get a chance to cherish it.
It’s never late to take pleasure of things and those of you who have not understood life or who are still searching life; for you I would say :
“Life is now, the moment you are living in.”
Think of thousands of people around you in this world suffering from mental or physical agony, but you are spending this moment in reading something. It’s always a wise use of life.

Nevertheless these small and single moments make up our entire life.
What we think while living doesn’t matter, what counts is-
what we think (positive- negative),
how we feel (good- bad, regretful, remorseful, satisfaction, peaceful),
 on our deathbeds.

Imagine you are dying and you try to recollect your life;
What you see is :
Pressure       - from parents, spouse, siblings, employer, business partner, etc
Dreams         - broken , untried for or left to be pursued
Frustration - of not doing things you so wanted to do or may be of things you          
And Regret      did unwillingly

Let us BREAKFREE in entirety.
Let us be what we are and never let anyone rule us, our life.
Personally, When I realized it is not me who is living, it’s someone else in me who has taken control over for so long; it actually sucked badly!
We are answerable for everything we do, nobody else.
Let us stop blaming others and giving our mind an excuse.

My experience says –

Impress yourself and not the ones you love.
Because loving and impressing is contradictory.
Those who really love you will love you as you are.
If  we try to get into peoples’ shoes saying we are in love,
That would be so ridiculous on our part, isn’t it? ”

Let us give a new start to life by doing only those things which we want to do, thinking only those things that please us, imagining a world, OUR world and making it a reality.


Richa Dalwani.

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